Friday, March 14, 2008

How does it work? Does it matter!!!

Ok as my profile says I am an oracle PL/SQL developer!!!

That’s what I do for my living. I write code. That is all I do most of the time. I write some SQL or PL/SQL and throw it into the database. I have never cared about what oracle does with it. Why should I its oracles headache.

To write a SQL all I need to know is the correct syntax. That’s all I don’t need any thing else. Even for that I have SQL Reference to help me. May be in need the ability to think in Set’s. So I know SET... I know what is a JOIN and UNION.

Why should I care what oracle does with the SQL that I submitted. Why do I have to care about how it stores my data or how it gets me what I need? Why... we have the DBA guys to worry about that.

Do you feel the same way as I did? Do you? I hope the answer is not YES if it is then you are going down, down from day one. Yes that’s right!! No second thoughts you are going down... Down to hell!!

Have you heard about Bind Variables? If the answer is NO then you are not going down to hell as you are already living in there.

To know the importance of Bind Variable it’s essential to know how Oracle Works. What it does with the so called sophisticated code that you wrote.

Not only that, we need to know lot more. How the data are organized and stored, how they are retrieved. To put it in one word know the oracle database "Architecture".

A nice place to start with would be here.

I found it easy and interesting to read. The way the author has written is like a story narration. I like stories and "How oracle works" is a great story.

Once you understand all of this you will really come to know how much of your code is actually sophisticated.

So happy reading…

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